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100 Gothic Themes & Motifs

1. Addiction
2. Assassination
3. Banditry
4. Betrayal
5. Blood
6. Burial Alive
7. Cannibalism
8. Carnival
9. Cold
10. Corruption
11. Damnation
12. Darkness
13. The Dead
14. Decay
15. Deformity
16. The Demimonde
17. Disease
18. Disembodied Voices
19. Deception (lies, disguises, etc.)
20. Disinterment
21. Dwarfism
22. Envy
23. Everything Goes Wrong
24. Exile
25. Fallen Nobility
26. Fire
27. Fog
28. Folly
29. Forbidden Knowledge
30. Foreigners
31. Frightening Animals (ravens, crows, wolves, owls, toads)
32. Gambling
33. Ghosts
34. Giants
35. Gluttony
36. Grave Robbing
37. Greed
38. Gypsies
39. Hidden Ancestry
40. Honor
41. Hypnotism
42. Immortality
43. Imperiled Virtue
44. Imprisonment
45. Incest
46. Indolence
47. Infidelity
48. Inheritance
49. Injustice
50. Irredeemable Sin
51. Irresistible Fate
52. Jealousy
53. The Last Remaining…
54. Lightning
55. Look-Alikes
56. Love Gone Sour (love lost, love that becomes abusive, etc.)
57. Loveless Marriage
58. Lust
59. Masks
60. Melancholy
61. Mistaken Identity
62. Murder
63. Music
64. Mysterious Manuscripts
65. Nightmares
66. Oaths and Promises
67. Perversion
68. Poison
69. Pride
70. Primitive Savages
71. Prophesy
72. Prostitution
73. Rape
74. Revenge
75. Rituals and Superstitions
76. Sacrifice and Loss
77. Savage Nature
78. Secret Passages
79. Secret Societies
80. Seduction
81. Slavery
82. Sleep-walking
83. Sorcery
84. Storms
85. Suicide
86. Theft
87. Tombs
88. Torture
89. Transformation
90. True Love
91. Twisted Religion
92. Unforeseen Consequences
93. Usurpation
94. Vampires
95. Ventriloquism
96. Wandering
97. War
98. Weird Medicine
99. Werewolves
100. Wine