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I’ve previously posted about my plans for a supplement updating Ghastly Affair for the Swinging Sixties and Groovy Seventies. The following are the new Classes I’m considering for GROOVY Ghastly Affair. None of them are playtested yet, of course, so a lot is likely to change as the supplement evolves.


The Biker is something of a replacement for the Gypsy, filling the role of the abjected outsider. They would also be strong in combat, like the Bandit. I could see an entire Saga where all the PCs are Bikers traveling the roads, battling both The Man, and supernatural evil.

Ability Adjustment: Strength +1, Dexterity +1,
Special Abilities: Danger Bonus (+1), Motorcycle Riding (+1), Brawl (+1), Intimidation (+1), Build and Repair Machines (+1)
Weaknesses: Social Discrimination (as Gypsy), Rivals (enemy bikers will cause some kind of trouble for the character every Affair)
Hit Dice: d10
Experience Points to Reach 2nd Level: 6, + 4 per Level after
Damage Bonus Increases: Every Level

Advances as a Fighter in other OSR games.


The Player would choose whether their Investigator is a Police Detective (inspired by characters like Columbo and Kojak), Private Eye (inspired by characters such as John Shaft and Charlie’s Angels), or Investigative Journalist (inspired by characters like Carl Kolchak). Undercover vigilantes inspired by characters like Foxy Brown or Coffy could also be represented by this Class.

Ability Adjustment: Wisdom +2
Special Abilities: Danger Bonus (+1), Detect Lies (+1), Disguise (+1), Sneak (+1). Police Detectives can call in Police Backup, Private Eyes gain 1 Private Informant per Level, and Investigative Journalists are skilled in Investigative Research.
Weaknesses: Criminal Nemesis (as Demon Hunter, but a human criminal), Attracts Trouble (every Affair, someone involved in a crime will try to draw the Investigator in.)
Hit Dice: d8
Experience Points to Reach 2nd Level: 8, + 4 per Level after
Damage Bonus Increases: Every Level after 1st.

Advances as a Cleric if used with other OSR rules.


Basically an update of the Bandit Class. Probably needs more work to really emulate the literary/cinematic Gangsters of the late 20th century.

Ability Adjustment: Dexterity +2
Special Abilities: Capturing (+1), Danger Bonus (+1), Concealment(+1), Fame (as Bandot), Intimidation (+1)
Weaknesses: Hard Luck (as Bandit), Infamy (as Bandit)
Hit Dice: d8
Experience Points to Reach 2nd Level: 8, + 4 per Level after
Damage Bonus Increases: Every Level after 1st.

Advances as a Thief if used with other OSR rules.

Maudit (Cursed Artist)

Inspired by historical figures such as Charles Baudelaire and Arthur Rimbaud, and characters like Sam Evans from “Dark Shadows”. This would also work for regular Ghastly Affair.

Ability Adjustment: Wisdom +2
Special Abilities: Artistry (+1), Dark Patron (such as a powerful Vampyre, a Dark Fairy, or Satan himself), Local Haunt (their favorite bar or club, where they can get refuge and obtain information), Perception (+1), Prophetic Artwork (made toward the beginning of each Affair, and contains clues of which the artist isn’t even aware)
Weaknesses: Addiction (always an alcoholic, or addicted to some drug), Outrageous Fortune (some outrageous catastrophe will affect himself, a friend, or a family member every Affair)
Hit Dice: d6
Experience Points to Reach 2nd Level: 6, + 4 per Level after
Damage Bonus Increases: 2nd, 5th, & 8th Level

Advances as a Thief if used with other OSR rules.


Inspired by characters such as Roger Collins (from “Dark Shadows”), Gomez Addams, and Johnny Alucard (from “Dracula 1972 AD”). Replaces the Libertine, which (as written) is more suited to the 18th century than the 20th.

Ability Adjustment: Charisma +2
Special Abilities: Charm (+1), Disguise (+1), Fraud (+1), Sneak (+1), Fashion Sense
Weaknesses: Weak-willed (vulnerable to Seduction and becoming addicted) and Wastrel (compelled to gamble, and pay twice as much for everything)
Hit Dice: d6
Experience Points to Reach 2nd Level: 6, + 4 per Level after
Damage Bonus Increases: 2nd, 5th, & 8th Level

Advances as a Thief if used with other OSR rules.


The ubiquitous psychic researcher of late 60s /early 70s horror. Inspired by characters such as Dr. John Markway ( “The Haunting”), Dr. Lionel Barrett (“The Legend of Hell House”), and Dr. Peter Guthrie (“Dark Shadows”).

Ability Adjustment: Intelligence +2
Special Abilities: Academic Credentials (as Mad Scientist), Discover Secrets (+1 when trying to find hidden areas, or secret information), Esoteric Knowledge (+1), Magical Rituals (one learned per Level), Scientific Knowledge (+1)
Weaknesses: Marked by the Supernatural (supernatural beings always direct their attention towards the Parapsychologist), Obsessed with Mysteries (compelled to solve enigmas)
Hit Dice: d6
Experience Points to Reach 2nd Level: 6, + 4 per Level after
Damage Bonus Increases: 2nd, 6th, & 10th Level

Advances as a Cleric if used with other OSR rules.

Psychic (Seer)

Another Class that would also work well for regular Ghastly Affair, as the “Seer”. Inspired in the modern age by characters such as Florence Tanner (“The Legend of Hell House”), Ben Fischer (“The Legend of Hell House”), Theodora (“The Haunting”), and David Collins (“Dark Shadows”).

Ability Adjustment: Wisdom +2
Special Abilities: Choose (or randomly determine) five Psychic Powers. To use a Psychic Power, make a Wisdom Check with a Penalty equal to the Power’s Level. If successful, the User also suffers Nonlethal Damage equal to the Power’s Level. If the Check is failed, the Power can still be activated, but inflicts Lethal Hit Point damage equal to the Power’s Level.
Weaknesses: Debilitating Visions (once per Affair the Psychic will have an awful dream or vision that inflicts 1d6 points of Nonlethal Damage, but also provides a useful clue to the Affair), Unnerving Presence (Must always make Charisma Check when meeting new people, or they will initially dislike and avoid the Psychic)
Hit Dice: d4
Experience Points to Reach 2nd Level: 10, + 4 per Level after
Damage Bonus Increases: 2nd, 6th, & 10th Level

Advances as a Magic User / Wizard if used with other OSR rules.

Psychic Powers


One of the Psychic’s Powers is..
1 Astral Projection (Level 5)
2 – 4 Augury (Level 2)
5 – 6 Calm Animals (Level 1)
7 – 10 Clairvoyance (Level 4)
11 – 14 Clairaudience (Level 3)
15 – 16 Combust (Level 1) (also see “A Ghastly Potpourri”)
17 – 18 Commune With Spirit (Level 5)
10 – 20 Cure Light Wounds (Level 1)
21 Elf Stroke (Level 1)
22 – 23 Exorcism(Level 5)
24 Find Person (Level 4) (also see “A Ghastly Potpourri”)
25 – 26 Hide Thoughts (Level 2)
27 – 30 Hypnotism (Level 1)
31 Identify (Level 1)
32 Ignore Pain (Level 1)
33 – 34 Know Direction (Level 0)
35 – 36 Locate Creature (Level 5)
37 – 38 Locate Object (Level 3)
39 Major Creation (Level 5)
40 – 43 Mediumship (Voluntary mental Possession by a Spirit, which can be ended by either the Psychic or the Spirit. Probably Level 1)
44 – 45 Mesmeric Healing (Level 2)
46 Minor Creation (Level 3)
47 – 48 Nondetection (Level 3)
49 – 50 Obtain Oracle (Level 4)
51 Overwhelming Fear (Level 4)
52 Phantasmagoria I (Level 1)
53 Phantasmal Killer (Level 5)
53 – 54 Possess Beast (Level 3) (also see “A Ghastly Potpourri”)
55 – 56 Prestidigitation (Level 0)
57 – 58 Projected Double (Level 5)
59 – 60 Protection From Evil (Level 1)
61 – 62 Read Minds (Level 2)
63 – 64 Remove Disease (Level 3)
65 – 66 Remove Fear (Level 1)
67 – 68 Restoration (Level 5)
69 – 70 Scare (Level 2)
71 – 75 Scrying (Level 5)
76 – 79 See Invisibility (Level 2)
80 Shower of Stones (Level 1)
81 – 83 Sorcerer’s Hand (Level 0)
84 – 85 Speak With Animals (Level 2)
86 – 87 Speak With Dead (Level 2)
88 – 89 Speak With Plants (Level 2)
90 – 91 Suggestion (Level 3)
92 – 96 Telekinesis (Level 5)
97 – 98 Telepathic Bond (Level 5)

99 – 100

True Seeing (Level 5)


As for the existing Classes, Demon Hunter, Everyman, Magician, and Mad Scientist would be used unchanged.

The True Innocent of the Swinging Sixties and Groovy Seventies would no longer have the “Fainting” Weakness. It would be replaced with something like “Honest to a Fault”, indicating that the Innocent is a very bad liar, who shakes and stammers when they try to deceive. Even when they do lie successfully, the truth always comes out. The big inspiration here is Victoria Winters from “Dark Shadows”, of course.

The Bandit, Grave Robber, Gypsy and Libertine Classes are perhaps more suited for games set in the late 18th / early 19th century. However, since the intrusion of the past into the present is major thematic hallmark of the Gothic, characters seemingly (or even actually) from another time might indeed be present in the “modern” world of GROOVY Ghastly Affair.